Vandals Target Cokato (MN) Fire Hydrants, Spilling One Million Gallons, Fire Officials Say

This is depleting the town's water supply, which can be a major threat if a fire would occur.

Supplying Water to the Scene—Hydrant Valves and Drafting Equipment

It has been said that hoselines are a firefighter’s lifeline, so getting the water into those hoselines is of the utmost importance.

Heavy Hydrant Hookups: Maximizing Hydrant Flows, Part 2

Large-scale firefighting operations require supply pump operators to maximize the flow capabilities from the sources being used. When it’s a fire hydrant, this involves employing a heavy hydrant hookup.
Hydrant hook-ups

Heavy Hydrant Hookups: Maximizing Hydrant Flows, Part 1

Andy Soccodato examines the variables that affect a fire hydrant’s rated flow capacity.