Drill Towers Offer Versatile Alternatives to Fixed Structures

Wouldn’t it be nice if the training we could offer from our drill tower was only limited (within reason) by our imagination?
Carl J. Haddon

The Real Reason There Are So Many EV Battery Fires

One thing I’ve learned is how little we firefighters and first responders know about how these new vehicles are built.

NFPA’s Recognition of Encapsulating Agents Is a Real Game Changer

Please allow me to validate the applicability of the new 2022 version of NFPA, which covers encapsulator agents in particular.

Rurally Speaking: Isn’t This Why We Can’t Have Nice Things?

"We are summarily discounted for grant dollars due to lack of call volume."

Rurally Speaking: Where the Rural Apparatus Tire Meets the Road

Carl Haddon explains fire apparatus and emergency vehicle tires.

Cold Winter Weather Meets Electric Vehicle Fire Challenges

Not a day goes by that I don’t get at least a phone call or multiple emails regarding challenges with fighting electric vehicle fires.

Rurally Speaking: Keeping Rural Fire Departments in the Dark; What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us

Carl Haddon implores the powers that be to not keep rural fire departments in the dark.