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Equipment for Effective Rural Water Supply Operations, Part 2

Water supply operations in the rural setting comprise some of the most challenging scenarios that firefighters face.

Live At FDIC: Water Delivery

Don't know what a chaffing block is and how it works for rural water delivery? Listen in to find out about that and more.

Equipment for Effective Rural Water Supply Operations, Part 1

This article serves to highlight some of the most important pieces of equipment that should be on every rural engine company.

Water Delivery: Water Eductors

What are water eductors? When should they be used? How can they enhance your drafting operations? We'll answer these questions and more.

Burp Drafting, An Alternative Primer-Less Priming Method

Achieving a reliable prime quickly and efficiently is paramount to the success of any rural water operation.

Heavy Hydrant Hookups: Maximizing Hydrant Flows, Part 2

Large-scale firefighting operations require supply pump operators to maximize the flow capabilities from the sources being used. When it’s a fire hydrant, this involves employing a heavy hydrant hookup.

What’s New from the FDIC International 2022 Show Floor

FDIC International 2022 was electrifying, literally and figuratively.

East Coast 15,000-GPM Water Supply Drafting Exercise

The rules of the event were simple: show the fire service something intriguing with regard to water supply operations and move as much water as possible while doing it.

Maximizing Hydrant Flows Using 6-Inch Soft Suction

A fire department’s investment in 6-inch soft suction is the most efficient and effective way to add flexibility to engine company personnel who routinely operate from fire hydrants.

Maximizing Pump Capacity While Drafting: The Twin Tube Setup

Establishing, maintaining, and operating from draft are some of the most fundamental skills that any pump operator could be expected to perform.