Firefighters and Power Tools

By Steve Shupert

When you raised your hand and took the oath of firefighter, you instantly became a professional power tool operator. For years, these skills were not a focus of firefighter training and were often taken for granted.

Inattention to this important skill set is costing our communities needless injuries, expensive repairs, and inefficient operations. We need to learn how our tools work, why they fail, and how to keep them working. By being better tool operators, we can be better firefighters.

General Power Tool Systems

“The right tool for the right job” is an old but true saying. As your knowledge of these tools/systems increases, so will your proficiency as an operator who can quickly determine the proper application and safe operation of each tool. We use the term tool/systems to drive home the concept that each tool is not an entity unto itself. It is the combination of fuel, power source, hoses, gears, bolts, bits, blades, and your knowledge that makes it work. Tool systems are made up of a lot of parts—some small, some big, but all are important. Misunderstanding how all the components come together to make a tool do its job can lead to injury, inefficiency, and inability to complete the task. While there are differences in each system, generally the tools themselves have points in common.

You must continuously assess the working end of your tool. Keep the blades/bits dressed and sharp. Portable power tools are often only as good as the bits or blades that do the work. These items are expensive to purchase but not nearly as costly to the victim as an extended extrication caused by worn bits and blades, not to mention the extra wear and tear they cause to the power tools themselves. In addition to being harder on the tool, worn bits/blades require more effort from field personnel to get the job done.

Anticipate long-term operations. Plan for replacement of consumables and field repairs such as changing chain saw chains, spark plugs, and filters. Keep air hoses, electric extension cords, and hydraulic lines as short as possible. This will reduce the loss of energy being delivered to your tool. Just as bends and kinks in fire hose result in less water movement, energy conductors can suffer the same loss of energy through their hoses and cords.

When tools operate, they can slip, jump, and bounce around on the material you are attacking. Plan for the action and reaction of the tool and the obstacle you are trying to cut or breach. Be prepared to deal with the debris, the weight of the cut-out piece, and the speed of the release when materials are cut all the way through.

When operating hydraulic or pneumatic tools, listen for pressure relief valves venting, which can indicate that the tool system may be overloaded. Stay within the operating envelope of your tool package. When you have questions or problems, refer to your supervisor and the operating manuals.

Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, ear protection, safety glasses, helmet, respiratory protection, and work uniform. Do not wear loose-fitting clothing or other items that could get entangled in the power tool. Prepare to mitigate any hazard your tool operation may produce, such as dust, dirty water runoff, and exhaust fumes. When operating gas engines, plan for and predict the accumulation of carbon monoxide and continuously monitor the atmosphere. Refuel tools away from the work area and be cognizant of hot mufflers and motors.

All tools require a general inspection prior to use. Check for loose, cracked, or broken components such as nuts, bolts, blocked vents, and cord damage. Always confirm proper lubrication and general tool operation. Never run power tools when tired, distracted, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A moment of inattention can result in a permanent serious injury to you or the victim. Keep your work area as well lighted and ventilated as possible.


When maintaining, inspecting, or adjusting any power tools, make sure the equipment is deenergized, the pressure is safely bled off, it is unplugged, and sharp edges are guarded and be sure the tool can’t be turned back on while you are working on it.

 The hydraulic forces generated by hydraulic tools can break the cutter. If you don’t make cutting progress within five to six seconds, stop operations, reassess, and check for a broken blade. (Photo by Lt. Craig Mignogno.)


  • Never carry a tool by the cord or hose.
  • Never yank the cord or the hose to disconnect it from the receptacle.
  • Keep cords and hoses away from heat, oil, and sharp edges.
  • Maintain tools with care; keep them sharp and clean for best performance.
  • Follow the instructions in the user’s manual for lubricating and changing accessories.
  • Remove all damaged/broken/suspect tools and tag them “Do Not Use.”


  • Keep all people who are not involved with the work at a safe distance from the work area.
  • Avoid accidental starting. Do not hold your fingers on the switch button while carrying a plugged-in tool.
  • Be sure to keep good footing and maintain good balance when operating power tools, and do not overreach.
  • Wear proper apparel for the task. Loose clothing or jewelry can become caught in moving parts.

Always consult your manufacturer’s recommendations or departmental guidelines/policies before operating or troubleshooting your power tools. No recommendation in this article should supersede those of a specific manufacturer or your boss. Do not work beyond your capability—know when to get help.

When your tool system is malfunctioning, typically there will only be one thing wrong. Most troubleshooting techniques operate from this premise. The most efficient way to find the problem will be to start at one end (usually the power source) and work toward the operational end of the tool (without making assumptions). Inspect, isolate, and test each component until you have identified the problem. Trace out the flow of energy, find where it stops, and determine why. Be prepared to change your mind when looking for the problem. Unless you are familiar with the operation of the tool system, any preconceived notions you may have can bias your troubleshooting. Be logical and methodical; test individual components of the system by swapping them out with a known good part. The problem is usually something simple. Following this process every time will quickly identify the problem or multiple problems in a timely, efficient manner rather than through time-consuming trial and error.

Resist starting in the middle of the system you use to troubleshoot problems. This will often result in your going back and forth looking for the problem, and if there are multiple problems you will quickly become frustrated. Being good at keeping tools running is as important as being a good tool operator.


Another major factor affecting performance is the application. We must match the material to the tool system. Sometimes tool selection is dictated by environment or proximity to the victim. For example, when cutting metal, excessive heat produced by a torch or vibrations from a reciprocating saw may burn or agitate the patient. The reaction from hydraulic-powered cutters snapping through a piece of steel may be more than can be reasonably controlled. Working in confined spaces often limits what kind of tools we can use. Gasoline-powered tools produce carbon monoxide in great volume and can overwhelm your ventilation system. Cutting and grinding tools create sparks and demand additional considerations if used around spilled fuels or unprotected victims. Cutting through multiple barriers of plastic, insulation, rubber, and steel may all require a different tool, and you need to know how to choose correctly. For example, hydraulic tools can operate around and even under water without any operator hazards. The blades of power saws can operate in water if you keep the engine above the water. After working in or around water, service hydraulic tools and replace any filters in gas saws.

Extremes in temperature or altitude can change the operating envelope of tool systems. For example, some 2-cycle saws have a summer/winter baffle to control air flow to the carburetor. Moisture in the air is enough to freeze up pneumatic tools in cold weather. Hydraulic tools slow considerably during long, hot weather operations (over 90°F, due to fluid expansion). Consider these limits when troubleshooting/selecting your tools and techniques for an operation.

Sometimes, we blame the tool for not performing as expected when really it is poorly maintained or you are using the improper blade/bit. Sometimes, it is our poor training that’s to blame.

Know the tool system; think about every piece of equipment that makes the system work. Take a 120-VAC line-powered reciprocating saw system as an example. Consider the following:

  • Can you match the blade to the material to be cut?
  • Do you have an ample supply of blades?
  • Do you have 120 VAC?
  • How far away from your power source (generator) are you?
  • Are your extension cords the proper gauge and length to deliver the correct voltage?
  • Do you need an electrical adapter, twist to straight plug?
  • Does the generator have the capacity to supply the tool, lights, etc. for the task?
  • Have you been trained to complete the task?
  • Are you doing the job right or just trying to get away with it?

You have to answer all these questions for your system to work correctly. If you do not get it right and are far away from your apparatus, it could take a long time to get the correct supplies, and the victim will pay the price.

  • Make sure the tools are in service and ready to operate.
  • Take time to look up and read the operator’s manuals. Most are available online.
  • Study your inventory; know available power sources and fuels.
  • Know what support tools may be needed, such as special wrenches to change blades and torch tips, screwdrivers to make tool adjustments, and adapters for electric or pneumatic tools.
  • Maintain fresh fuel and a field repair kit to sustain operations. Figure out how far away you can stage your power source so the power transmission lines (hydraulic, electric, and pneumatic) will reach the job without excessive friction loss or voltage drops.
  • Group tools in kits, as this will minimize the time needed to assemble a tool system. Every step saved is a step closer to the trauma center for the patient.
  • The power tool is no better than the bit or blade attached to it. Keep spares of bits or blades matched to the application and keep them sharp, clean, and dressed out. A dull bit/blade can easily reduce tool efficiency 30% or more. It is always worth the time to replace or resharpen.
  • A good rule of thumb when running a saw, drill, or jack either electric, hydraulic, or gas-powered is to not load or apply so much pressure on the tool that it slows the revolutions per minute (rpm) down to an inefficient rate.
  • Start at a slower rpm to establish a kerf (space created by the saw blade); this will make it easier to hold the tool/blade in place. Once fully engaged in the piece, keep the tool cutting at full rpm. Keep the tool at 90° to the work piece as much as possible.
  • If you are pressing too hard and slowing the tool down too much, the motor/pumps and saw blades will overheat and softens its steel, which results in a duller blade. This makes you press harder, resulting in a cascading failure. If the tool cannot cut fast enough, determine if you are using the right tool/bit/blade or get multiple tools in operation. By maintaining around 90% of full speed rpm or beats per minute (bpm), the tool/bit will cut/grind as efficiently as possible. Lift the blade/bit out of the cut, running, now and again to allow the blade/bit to cool. New electric/battery-powered tools will sense too much cutting pressure and shut down, requiring a manual reset.
  • To know each tool’s feed rate or loading pressure, train with the tools and develop a touch or feel for the tool. Train your ear to the pitch of a finely tuned engine. Know from the vibration of the tool when it is running right. You will not always have the luxury of good lighting and a low-noise environment.
  • When using a drill or jackhammer downward, the weight of the tool is usually enough; try to duplicate that pressure when drilling/chipping horizontally or over your head. Reduce the feed pressure as soon as you hear the machine’s speed dropping. This will enable the segments to cool down, and the speed will increase back to the optimum level.
  • When using a hydraulic cutter, the hydraulic forces generated can break the cutter. The problem is likely the position/condition of the cutters, but if you are not making progress within 5-6 seconds, STOP and reassess.

You also need to develop knowledge of material behavior. Cutting steel is different than cutting iron; steel is ductile (can be deformed) and iron is very brittle (thin iron will shatter when struck). Steel can be flame cut (kindling temp = 1,800°F); iron cannot. Understanding these differences as well as between brittle and ductile behavior is key to any forcible entry assignment. High-strength steel alloys can exhibit brittle behavior, but extremely strong in compression and tension, they will challenge modern 10,500-psi hydraulic cutters but can be cut with an air chisel. Concrete is weak in shear and strong in compression. Grind through concrete or use percussion tools to break apart. Wood splinters and bends and may bend back once pressure is released. Southern yellow pine has a shear rating of about 250 psi before failure. Cutting wood should produce chips; if you use an abrasive or a dull blade, it will produce dust and be slow getting through. Cutting green wood with a carbide chain is much tougher than using a steel chipper chain. Hitting a wood barrier with a sledgehammer can be slower work than if you were hitting concrete.

Size up the load path of the barrier. Understand that when you create an opening, the remaining barrier must continue to carry the load or you may need to add shoring/cribbing.


As a skilled firefighter, it is vital that you have an awareness of the specifications of your tools and potential barriers. Some examples follow:

  • An 8-foot vertical 4×4 can resist 8,000 pounds compression with a 4:1 safety ratio.
  • Grade 8, 3⁄8-inch chain = 7,700 pounds tensile strength with a 3:1 safety ratio.
  • Reenforced concrete = 150 pounds per cubic foot (PCF).
  • Rubble 10 pounds per square foot per inch of depth.
  • 12-gauge copper wire, extension cord, maximum 20-amp rating at 50 feet.
  • 8-amp 120-VAC electric power tool = 1,000 watts.
  • Startup electric current is 150% of running current.
  • Rated generator capacity vs. maximum capacity.
  • Weight of an average passenger car = 3,500 pounds.
  • Gas to oil ratio for your 2-cycle engines.
  • 4×4 Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) crib box = 24,000-pound-compression capacity.
  • ½-inch kernmantle rope = 9,000-pound tensile strength.
  • Derate a high-pressure air bag as it inflates: 50% of capacity.
  • Pneumatic tools’ psi ratings.
  • Shear strength 8d, 16d nail in SYP = 120-150 pounds, respectively.

Knowing these parameters (and others) can help you predict performance, which is largely what this is all about. Working a rescue through trial and error is unsafe and costly to the patient’s condition. Enhance your ability to size up, predict, and select the proper tool system blade/bit combination to get through the barrier in the most efficient manner to rescue the victim and to troubleshoot and fix the problem when things aren’t working.


Heat is one of the byproducts of our systems and must be controlled. Overheating the teeth on saw blades will cause them to soften and round off. Curved chisel bits keep the work piece centered, which concentrates the heat in one spot. If it gets hot enough, the metal will lose its strength, which fatigues the bit, dulling it prematurely. Carbide tips will overheat and break off. Diamond segments (grinding) will soften and mushroom and cutting edges will round off.

Electric motor insulation can break down if the tool itself becomes too hot, and mechanical bearings can be damaged. Heat can build up in electrical extension cord connections because of overextended cords or poor connections. Hot hydraulic fluid causes tools to run slowly and makes working couplers difficult. Lithium-ion batteries fail and won’t charge properly when too hot.

  • Ensure adequate lubrication, water, or oil, if appropriate.
  • If dry cutting through thick material, lift the tool blade/bit out of the cut every 10 to 20 seconds to run in ambient air to cool.
  • If the motor is too hot to touch, you may need to switch it out or change your technique or tool systems/blade.
  • Keep air vent passages (electric motor) on the tool unobstructed. This applies not only to dust and debris but to your gloved hands too.

Nothing replaces training and experimenting with your tools. Who knew the newer carbide tip reciprocating saw blades were so effective in cutting through modern high strength steel alloys (HSSA)? The same is true with the old, venerable air chisel; the percussive action of the air chisel shatters through brittle HSSA.

Always remember to wash combustion or contamination products off tools like all other gear and equipment.

Steve Shupert has 37 years of public service. He retired from Miami Valley Fire District in Montgomery County, Ohio, and serves as a rescue team manager for FEMA US&R Ohio Task Force 1. Shupert is also the chair of the FEMA Rescue Sub Group and the director of training for 501c3 Crash Course Village in Kettering, Ohio.

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